Energy is defined as the ability to do work. Energy availability and its practical application to work is at the foundation of comfortable residential living, economic community solutions, productive commercial business and efficient industrial plant operations. EnergySolve exists to design & implement modern, effective solutions to these energy requirements.
Building on a successful engineering and technology foundation, the energy industry provides a universal and inherently local platform for sustainable infrastructure solution design & delivery. Witnessing the positive impacts of efficient, fit-for-purpose solutions delivering continual benefits to customers is the core motivation of EnergySolve.
Growing up on the beautiful mid-north coast of NSW in a rural setting, meant frankly that if you wanted to use it first you had to fix it.
Lawnmowers, bicycles, motorcycles, gates, tools etc - they're all subject to wear & tear plus the elements so with use and often simply time, they inevitably stop working.
With necessity being the mother of invention and limited resources on hand, innovative ways were found of restoring functionality and maintaining ongoing operations.
The engineering mindset was established and empowered modifications and improvements on existing designs in multiple areas, beyond what was otherwise available.
This approach and capability resulted in an apprenticeship in mechanical engineering with BHP at Port Kembla, validating all prior in-house development works and opening the door to the mechanised, industrial world.
Fitting & turning on lathes & milling machines plus condition diagnostic testing & reporting on mill status, information technology was merely a hobby - though its latent potential in all aspects of society was securely engrained. Within this very genesis, again things stopped working and so the engineering mindset automatically came into play. How did it work ? What did it need to remain stable and how could it be extended ?
Through passion and dedication, an opportunity arose to change both career and location to information technology in Sydney. With encouraging words from the foreman and the world of technology ahead, self-paced educational progress was swift and network & security certifications created pathways to more advanced and technical infrastructure realms. Rising to the top of the industry and working deep within government on immense programs of work over many years, the root causes repeatedly identified by the engineering mindset were ultimately not technical, or those that could be solved with the optimal infrastructure stack.
Enterprise architecture, security governance or management path options available were simply not grounded enough, and so together with the shift of technology infrastructure to public cloud and the technology-centric transformation underway within the energy industry, the path forward for the enduring engineering mindset was identified - and no longer needed to be based in Sydney.
The only constant is change, and when undertaken in a controlled manner with clear goals and a practical means of delivery, change is both positive and a growth opportunity.
The concept of EnergySolve was forged: merging technology with energy and utilising the perpetual engineering mindset for an inherently local and more meaningful purpose.
How Australia generates and consumes energy is changing. The legacy model of centralised mechanical generation, typically fossil fuel -derived hence accompanied by heavy mining and associated energy-intensive extractive industries, distributed over great distances via classical, massive infrastructure necessarily designed for peak loads due to providing a best-effort, just-in-time supply with no native buffering capability - and the corresponding operational commitments - is becoming increasingly unviable. The primary drivers behind this change are end-of-life milestones for legacy generation sources, ever-increasing demand & compliance requirements and intense pressure to lower electricity costs.
More stringent environmental requirements and net zero carbon emission commitments also shape the outcomes, timing and means of effecting, Australia's energy transformation.
Whilst national and utility-scale energy infrastructure projects are forged in the aftermath of operational issues, the real and tangible benefits of technological innovation within the localised energy domains of residential, community, commercial and industrial consumers are driving the effective future model of distributed, localised energy generation, storage & consumption.
There is an inherent need for overarching monitoring, management and co-ordination - both to ensure stability during transition and to uphold the commonality of standards and foundations of safety we take for granted today - which is where the centralised grid operators of tomorrow may ultimately reside.
It is within this medium - technological advancement and the empowered end consumer - that EnergySolve operates to again apply the fundamental engineering mindset; capturing requirements, designing appropriate solutions and implementing quality, fit-for-purpose modern infrastructure.
Decades of infrastructure project delivery experience ensure a pragmatic and effective delivery process. With requirements agreed, the target state is designed and indicative costs & schedules defined. If necessary, constraints can be added and adjustments made prior to procurement.
Onsite delivery is scheduled and sequenced to minimise customer impact, with a chronological and single-pass implementation. Testing and verification are embedded within implementation and serve to bind the solution to requirements at all times. Upon completion, relevant documentation and test results are provided then the project closed.
Subsequent modifications and/or additional works are easily incorporated into the same delivery methodology as new requirements. This cyclical and iterative approach ensures fit-for-purpose solutions are able to deliver benefits within relevant constraints, and structured design plus multiple levels of integration options mean simpler incorporation of future works.
Throughout the EnergySolve journey, four core values have cemented themselves as foundational guiding principles, applicable to all projects as well as life in general.
Resources are always limited and the intersection of a solution's effectiveness and longevity typically pivots on efficiency.
Utilising the minimum set of components and functionality necessary serves to limit resources required and also maintains simplicity. Initial requirements gathering ensures suitable modularity is provided, e.g. for native incorporation of planned future functionality or scalability, ensuring efficiency through incremental change and infrastructure re-use.
Infrastructure is foundational in nature and underpins multiple higher order functions, each subject to change and evolution over time. Inflexible infrastucture solutions typically mean incompatibility with inevitable change, else increased costs / time frames later.
Modularity is a core EnergySolve value, embedded in every solution so as to support future infrastructure evolution and component re-use. Multiple levels of integration options also ensure system modularity through providing external, standards based interfaces beyond those manufactured into the relevant component(s).
Initial levels of solution functionality and/or performance are fit for purpose when implemented however if designed without scalability in mind, point solutions are often unable to accommodate organic growth or even anticipated increases in demand. Additionally, infrastructure solutions typically require a buffer in terms of capacity to ensure stability.
The core EnergySolve value of scalability is embedded in every solution, to levels defined in agreed requirements, ensuring optimal return on investment through continued infrastructure suitability and re-use.
Due to the foundational nature infrastructure, its functionality must be reliable and its continued, effective operation both practical and achievable. Sustainability ensures solutions remain practical and effective over time, applying itself unilaterally to all elements of EnergySolve solution design and implementation.
Beyond the reliability and persistence of function derived from quality components and implementations, environmental aspects are also key to ensuring sustainability in a broader context.
The target energy model of distributed renewable generation and time-shifted consumption via storage drives a more sustainable energy paradigm, with energy sources & sinks now co-located and system performance over time capable of both surpassing the levels of embedded energy resultant from component manufacture, plus ultimately negating the unsustainable legacy energy model.
The shift to all-electric living is underway.
With increasing criticality and corresponding complexity, integrated solutions embodying efficiency, modularity and scalability are more important than ever.
Built to deliver this future, EnergySolve is your energy - solved !
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